Sprouting and Seed Starting Source List
Here are a few of our favourite places to find seed starting gear and micro green supplies.
Some of our favourites include broccoli, red diakon radish, and sunflowers. You can find these and more at:
Kuhlman's Market Garden (Edmonton) - 1320 167 Ave
West Coast Seeds (BC)
William Dam Seeds (Ontario)
We custom mix ours, but you can use any quality potting soil with a fine texture from:
Apache Seeds (Edmonton) - 10136 149 St
Kuhlman's Market Garden
For soil-less methods of sprouting, Earths General Store carries sprouters (biosta and jar method)
Trays, Inserts, Cells/Pots, and Plastic Domes
We use the heavier weight trays because they last longer, locally sourced from: Apache Seeds. For microgreen inserts (cells) stick with the 01 series. Ex. 601, 801, 1001, 1201 etc. This means 6, 8, 10 or 12 compartments/tray which allows you to grow more than one variety of seed in each tray. Apache is also a great source for cells and pots for transplants or you can make your own out of yoghurt containers (just punch some holes in the bottom for drainage), egg cartons, or DIY newspaper pots.
Grow Lights
Shop lights work well (find at any hardware store) but sunblasters are our favourite. A sunny south facing window also works well!
Apache Seeds
All Seasons Garden Centre (Edmonton) - 10027 81 Ave
Tips, Tricks, and Growing Advice
Mumms Seeds is always a great resource: www.sprouting.com
Growing Micro Greens: www.growingmicrogreens.com
The Leaf Ninjas, urban farmers from Calgary also have some great guides
And of course, keep you eyes on our blog for tips throughout the season